Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Countdown to Adventure

After all these months here in Grants Pass, it almost seems unreal that we are leaving next week. I have a huge pile of stuff to leave with the church for their rummage sale next month, and I eBayed a couple things I thought I'd use but haven't. I mean, really, when you've been hauling something around a year and a half and haven't used it, it's time to admit you're not going to. The items sold in the first day and I have a hundred more dollars!

(MAJOR exception: emergency and first aid stuff. Pray you carry it around for years without using it!)

There are quite a few little things to do, inside and outside the rig, and just little life details. One thing we did during our stay here was subscribe to the local paper. It has really helped us understand the community we are temporarily part of, and has been invaluable in finding things to do, especially the free or low cost activities that aren't really marketed to tourists. We called this morning to order a stop at the end of the month, and that helped our imminent departure seem real.

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